Andy Savin-image

Andy Savin

Andy is a Clinical Health Planner and Project Manager at Klein. Following a 15-year career in Radiation Therapy, his interest in improving care through new technologies sparked a move into facilities development. Today, with a decade of healthcare facilities project management experience, he brings a unique skill set to his role. His recent projects have included Christchurch Hospital Acute Services Building and Outpatients, Hillmorton Specialist Mental Health Services, and master planning for the Christchurch Campus Redevelopment programme business case. Previously, he worked for the Ministry of Health, Health Infrastructure Unit to improve the quality and efficiency of health facility design in NZ through design guidance and support.

Working closely with client teams, Andy combines his clinical and design experience to understand their needs and develop design solutions. He inspires trust and confidence from the outset, incorporating innovation, local design principles and cultural requirements into robust design briefs. He includes holistic improvements making sure support services, site flows and collocations are considered and enhanced.

Andy provides comprehensive health planning throughout the design process, so that the final design accurately reflects requirements. Applying excellent relationship management skills and healthcare experience, Andy adds significant value to the project team.